Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hunter College, New York

Hunter College, located in the heart of bustling Manhattan, is the largest college in the City University of New York (CUNY) system. Founded in 1870, Hunter is also one of the oldest public colleges in the country. Currently, 21,000 students attend the College, pursuing both undergraduate and graduate degrees in more than 170 different programs of study. With the myriad opportunities found in New York City, and world-renowned faculty to guide them, Hunter’s students embark upon their bright and illustrious futures and begin to achieve their version of the American Dream!

Hunter College is committed to helping students achieve their educational goals through assistance in finding the financial resources outside of governmental and private loans to support students' scholarly endeavors.

In addition, the International Students Office provides academic support services to international students and help with immigration regulatory matters. Students in the U.S. may receive information and assistance in the following areas: applying for temporary student status, extensions of stay, practical training, reinstatement of status, the social security card, employment in the U.S., changing immigration status and filing petitions for naturalization (citizenship). Additionally, the office provides referrals on- and off-campus to help students adapt and function well in their new educational and social environment.